Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dreams to Reality 2010 Plan Structure

Design/Build Practicum Details

The practicum combines aspects of a design studio (an architectural process of developing the building design, from initial concept to finish drawings, usually held in an office or classroom), a sustainable design course, (a combination of theoretical and hands-on education in sustainable design principles) and a series of natural building workshops (hands on in nature, ranging from materials to systems).

Due the the educational nature of the practicum, participants will be considered interns. The interns will be working intensely with each other and key staff members throughout the practicum. Intern engagement with the village will be necessary for educational purposes, and the plan is to have that engagement be a symbiotic one for both the interns and the community. It is planned that hands-on learning opportunities will avail themselves from a variety of construction sources in the form of both formal and informal trainings.

The 2010 program is designed as a multi-month internship, planned in 3 segments.

The first segment of the program is planned as a learning intensive, providing interns with an understanding of the Dancing Rabbit community (infrastructure systems, consensus, conflict resolution, etc), culture (resource sharing, simple living, etc), and village design plans (density model, building relationships, etc), as well as an understanding of how to design using natural materials (cob, strawbale, earthbag, urbanite foundations, etc) and ecological concepts (passive solar design, convection heating, wind scoops, solar access, etc) holding in balance both natural and human criteria, with a foundation of sustainability at it's core.

The second segment will involve the design of a specific project, working with a design leader (someone to mentor the interns through the design process) and a community liaison to create a structure that makes sense for the village and meets the needs of the users.

The final segment will include construction on the project.

The actual project for the practicum has not yet been determined. Several project options are being considered, and either public and private buildings could be applicable for this type of internship program.

Some project ideas include the possible design/build of private housing, an intern housing cluster, a new resident housing cluster, and a dance/yoga studio.

Program fees will be determinend by scaling scale, according to ability to pay.  Scholarships are available.  Please contact Jennifer at timberhome@gmail.com for more information.

Dreams to Reality Vision and Objectives

The 2010 year is fast approaching, and work continues on the creation of Dreams to Reality, a Natural Building Organization at Dancing Rabbit! The 2010 Design/Build Practicum is the next stage toward this vision of a Natural Building Organization.


Dream to Reality is intended to provide a symbiotic relationship between individuals interested in designing and building sustainably, and the fulfillment of Dancing Rabbit's overarching mission of creating a sustainable village. The full vision will take many years, and several key staff, both on-site and off-site, to realize. Eventually, the organization will be capable of designing and constructing multiple projects simultaneously, helping to support Dancing Rabbit's sustainable growth through the creation of holistic and thoughtful architecture.


* Working together in balance, builders, designers, students, teachers, artists, project leaders, and community liaisons create soulful architecture within the village and in the local community.
* The organization will promote sustainable architecture through internships, workshops, and publications teaching a variety of sustainable building techniques, using a mix of locally available renewable and reused resources.
* Design and Construction will be holistically integrated, creating a connective learning process in sustainability.
* Through the demonstration and analysis of new experiential design and building practices, the program will manifest innovative natural building techniques for use in structures at Dancing Rabbit and beyond.
* Projects will focus on creating functional, beautiful buildings that enrich the lives of it's users and create enhanced, aesthetic spaces for the village.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sustainable Architecture - Design/Build Practicum

"Yestermorrow meets Rural Studio"

Sustainable. Holistic. Innovative. Beautiful.

A vision for a better way of thinking about design.

Envisioned as a Start to Finish Design/Build Practicum the program is intended for design professionals, skilled artists, laborers, and builders, as well as anyone looking to enhance their holistic design & building knowledge and skills.

This sustainable building and design program is envisioned as a 4 month team project, comprised of between 3 and 6 interns and several key staff. The practicum is set up in 3 segments.

Applications will be accepted through May 2010.
Program begins on 6.20.10.

Development segment: Designed to enhance the capacity for team members to develop appropriate design, this stage focuses on the development of an understanding of ecovillage culture, Dancing Rabbit community, and of the site as well as an experiential learning intensive in sustainable practices and building techniques.

Design segment: Applying lessons learned during the development segment, the team will develop a comprehensive sustainable building design plan using local, natural, and reclaimed materials on hand.
Built segment: Applying design principles in practice, this segment is marked by the practical and tangible manifestation of the team's design segment through the construction of the natural building.


Log on again soon for more details on the program and the project.